Links to the different pages on my site.
Click here to send me mail about my Tammy Sytch site. I'm not Tammy, I'm just a female fan. so please don't address any mail to her.
You're Tammy Sytch Fan #
*Thanks to my brother for helping me design the picture on this page.* It's not a banner so if you link to my page please just use a word link. Thank You! First I need to say I'm not Tammy Sytch I'm just a female fan who wanted to make a page for her:) I will try to update this site as often as I can but I also run a few other sites, so I don't know how often I will be able to update. When I do update this page I will list everything I've updated. After you look through my site I'd like to know what you think my e-mail address is listed under the links or you can leave me a message by clicking the link that says "Answering Machine".
4/22/00 For those of you that don't know Tammy is now in WCW along with Chris. I only saw her for a few seconds when I flipped through the channels before RAW but she is there. I'm sure some sites have pictures posted of her appearance on nitro so if you want them just check the sites that normally post wcw screen captures. Take Care.
Disclaimer: This website is not in anyway affiliated, associated, or sponsered by the World Wrestling Federation and/or TitanSports, Inc. ECW, or any other wrestling oranization, or By Tammy Sytch. There is NO profit made by this site. I made this web page for the enjoyment of Tammy fans, like myself. So enjoy yourself. All pages are © 1998-99 ILuvShawnM@excite.comCopyrights in Cyberspace Come again soon:) This page is dedicated to Tammy Sytch and Chris Candido. Also my family...thanks to my brother for helping with the pictures on the main page.